3Keys exists for a single purpose: to end chronic homelessness.
Our mission is to develop and manage affordable permanent housing with onsite supportive services for adults facing the challenges of mental illness and homelessness.
The Three Keys
What is the significance of our organization’s name, 3Keys? We believe there are three keys to enabling individuals experiencing homelessness and mental illness to live with purpose and dignity:
A home of their own that is permanent & stable.
Supportive services to help residents live independently.
An environment that enhances the opportunity for a better life.
We’ve demonstrated the success of our approach for more than 35 years, equipping more than 500 residents each year with these three keys.
Who We Serve
We serve adults over the age of 18 from diverse races, ethnicities, and genders. Many face dual diagnoses of mental illness and substance use disorders, developmental disabilities, and/or HIV/AIDS. Our residents, many of whom start out with little to no income, come from hospitals, behavioral health institutions, emergency shelters, correctional facilities, the streets, or other locations not equipped for habitation. Many of these individuals are among the most vulnerable, often described by other providers as “hard to serve.”
“It was through my housing that I found a type of unconditional acceptance. 3Keys reached out and gave me HOPE.”
– Gerald S.