3Keys CEO Scott Walker Receives Prestigious 2024 Georgia Titan Award

3Keys CEO Scott Walker Receives Prestigious 2024 Georgia Titan Award

3Keys CEO Scott Walker joined an impressive group of leaders who were recognized as 2024 Georgia Titans at an awards event on May 9 in Atlanta.

Using criteria that includes exceptional leadership, vision, and passion, the Titan 100 program recognizes Georgia’s Top 100 CEO’s & C-level executives who are the area’s most accomplished business leaders in their industry.

“Growing up in the foster care system, I know firsthand the impact of having a strong support system in overcoming adversity,” Scott said. “That’s why I have dedicated my career to helping the most vulnerable members in our community access the services and support that will enable them to reach their potential. Today, I am proud to lead 3Keys as we help more than 500 people a year throughout metro Atlanta escape homelessness and achieve stability. It is an honor to be recognized as a Georgia Titan among others who are equally committed to helping communities and individuals throughout our state thrive.”

“The Titan 100 are changing the way that business is done in Georgia. These preeminent leaders have built a distinguished reputation that is unrivaled and preeminent in their field. We proudly recognize the Titan 100 for their efforts to shape the future of the Georgia business community. Their achievements create a profound impact that makes an extraordinary difference for their customers and clients across the nation.” says Jaime Zawmon, President of Titan CEO.

Collectively, the 2024 Georgia Titan 100 and their companies employ upwards of 125,000 individuals and generate over $31 billion dollars in annual revenues.

Click here to see the full list of Georgia Titan 100 recipients.

May 2024

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